Old Announcements
The Clan of the Almighty Hoboe
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Spoilers Part II
Spoilers Part III: The Naughty Sorceress
Old Announcements
Old Announcements
I have been granted leadership of the clan!
I have made you all Karma Exempt So You can withdraw items from the stash PLEASE READ OUR STASH POLICIES UNDER "CLOAN POLICIES"
We need meat!! To prosper as a clan we need to get rich, and to get rich we need a clan army. We allready have a small army and its record is 1/1, but we need a much larger one. To build a larger army unfortunately we need funds, and with us each recieving 500 meat per day donations should no be too much to ask. Thank you all who have donated and i really appreciate it. In addition i will give a maple leaf familiar to the first person to donate 30,000 meat.(starts september 1st) keep the meat comin' in